Gleco GT43 Package
The GT43 is perfect for deep utility sinks and tight spaces and requires a minimum of just 11-1/2" from waste line to floor (13" is recommended).
FOR POTTERS: Most ceramics and mixed-media art classrooms and studios do very well with the GT43, which allows for a sediment volume of 43 ounces. It would depend on how messy the potter is, but even the messiest potters usually wash less than a couple of ounces of clay from their hands. That translates to around 60-80 messy students washing their hands before you'd need to dump the contents of The Gleco Trap. In the university ceramics studios I've been in (my father was a professor of ceramics at Kansas University in the late 70's), it seemed like it was mostly the throwers that got messiest. Handbuilders/sculptors tend to work pretty clean (referring only to the volume of clay they would need to wash off in a sink).
FOR OTHER ARTISTS: I don't have any direct experience with paints and The Gleco Trap, but we've sold enough to classrooms that serve 2D and 3D media and have always had positive reports. The Gleco Trap bottle is thermoformed HDPE and the Gleco Trap body is the same plastic as the plastic pipes that might already be in the studio. I'm not familiar with the chemicals used in photographic processing, but I think that someone who is familiar with them would know if they negatively react with those plastics.
The GT64 includes:
- 2 • 43 ounce bottles
- 1 • Lid for extra bottle
- 1 • 1-1/2" x 8" sink tailpiece
- 2 • 1-1/2" slip-joint washers
- 4 • 1-1/2" slip-joint nuts
- 1 • 1-1/2" flat washer
- 1 • Extra O-ring
- complete instructions